objective c - Facebook SDK login never calls back my application on iOS 9 -

i've followed this guide update application use facebook sdk 4.6 work when built ios 9 sdk.

when tap login button now, safari view controller gets presented (shouldn't redirect facebook app?), after accepting permission safari view controller never dismissed. loads new blank page , sits there doing nothing. if tap done button, returned fbsdkloginmanagerloginresult's iscancelled true.

is normal sdk choosing safari view controller on facebook app? , why not getting callbacks after login complete?

turns out on ios 9 when uiapplicationdelegate's application:openurl:options: implemented, application:openurl:sourceapplication:annotation: not called.

so had call fbsdkapplicationdelegate's application:openurl:sourceapplication:annotation: uiapplicationdelegate's application:openurl:options:

- (bool)application:(uiapplication *)app openurl:(nsurl *)url options:(nsdictionary<nsstring*, id> *)options {     return [[fbsdkapplicationdelegate sharedinstance] application:app                                                       openurl:url                                             sourceapplication:options[uiapplicationopenurloptionssourceapplicationkey]                                                    annotation:options[uiapplicationopenurloptionsannotationkey]]; } 


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