html - Is there any way to exclude a single element from the style? (Bootstrap) -

so, have img logo, overlaid on div styled background-image: url("..."), , both elements inside 2 div classes .to-color , .to-overlay respectively, black transparent overlay.

is there way exclude logo style given these 2 classes?

here's jsfiddle example: link

html , css example:

- html -  <div class="to-color"> <div class="to-overlay">   <div class="respo">   <div class="row">    <div class="col-xs-4 col-xs-offset-4 text-center">     <img src="" alt="..." class="img-responsive">    </div>   </div>  </div>  </div> </div>       - css -  .to-color {  background-color: #000; }  .to-overlay {  opacity : 0.5; }  .respo {  background-image: url("");  background-position: center center;  background-size: cover;  padding-top: 10%;  padding-bottom: 20%; } 

what you're doing wrong making .to-overlay , of children half-opaque.

instead of making .to-overlay half-opaque, use pseudo-element appear before logo , make half-opaque.

.to-color {   background-color: #000;   position: relative; }  .to-overlay:before {   content: '';   display: block;   position: absolute;   top: 0;   left: 0;   width: 100%;   height: 100%;   background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5); } 

here's example:


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