Linking WPF object to C# styling -

i'm using treelist control devexpress. i'm trying color in cells based on value. got code structure here. however, c# function not seem linked wpf object. how can link handles treelist.nodecellstyle event?

sample code

private void treelist1_nodecellstyle(object sender, getcustomnodecellstyleeventargs e) {    // modify appearance settings used paint "budget" column's cells    // values greater 500,000.    if (e.column.fieldname != "budget") return;    if (convert.toint32(e.node.getvalue(e.column.absoluteindex)) > 500000) {       e.appearance.backcolor = color.fromargb(80, 255, 0, 255);       e.appearance.forecolor = color.white;       e.appearance.font = new font(e.appearance.font, fontstyle.bold);    } } 

sample wpf

<dxt:treelistcontrol name="treelist">     <dxt:treelistcontrol.columns>         <dxt:treelistcolumn fieldname="clientid" header="heirarchy"/>         <dxt:treelistcolumn fieldname="instrumentid" />         <dxt:treelistcolumn fieldname="orderid" />         <dxt:treelistcolumn fieldname="status" />         <dxt:treelistcolumn fieldname="openposition" />         <dxt:treelistcolumn fieldname="execposition" />         <dxt:treelistcolumn fieldname="cumopenposition" />         <dxt:treelistcolumn fieldname="cumexecposition" />         <dxt:treelistcolumn fieldname="transactiontime" />         <dxt:treelistcolumn fieldname="logtime" />     </dxt:treelistcontrol.columns>     <dxt:treelistcontrol.view>         <dxt:treelistview name="treelistview1" autowidth="true"                           keyfieldname="id" parentfieldname="parentid" />     </dxt:treelistcontrol.view> </dxt:treelistcontrol> 

you can use conditional formatting.
here example in wpf:

<dxt:treelistcontrol.view>     <dxt:treelistview name="treelistview1" autowidth="true"                       keyfieldname="id" parentfieldname="parentid">         <dxt:treelistview.formatconditions>             <dxt:formatcondition fieldname="budget" expression="[budget] &gt; 500000">                 <dx:format foreground="white" background="#50ff00ff" fontweight="bold"/>             </dxt:formatcondition>         </dxt:treelistview.formatconditions>     </dxt:treelistview> </dxt:treelistcontrol.view> 

the same in c#:

treelistcontrol1.view.formatconditions.add(new formatcondition() {     fieldname = "budget",     expression = "budget > 500000",     format = new format()     {         background = new solidcolorbrush(color.fromargb(80, 255, 0, 255)),         foreground = brushes.white,         fontweight = fontweights.bold     } }); 


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