javascript - Failed to execute 'querySelectorAll' on 'Element' in ExtJS 5 -

i trying using method find divs having class name square , highlightedreactangle.same method working extjs 4 , after grading extjs 5 start throwing error.

uncaught syntaxerror: failed execute 'queryselectorall' on 'element': 'div:any(div.square|div.highlightedreactangle|div.highlightedreactangleie||div.redcirclecount|div.stamppreviewcls)' not valid selector.

the statement i'm using find related div is,"div:any(div.square|div.highlightedreactangle|div.highlightedreactangleie||div.redcirclecount|div.stamppreviewcls)", true); 

what exactely i'm missing ?

what exactely i'm missing ?

from version 5, when select called on element (versus explicitly using, ext js uses native queryselectorall method requires valid css selectors. error message suggests, selector not valid one.

in version 4, ext js used processing select calls on elements. method more "liberal" queryselectorall. work in version 5 well, can use:, this.el.dom) 


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