javascript - Populate grid with row/column coordinates in extjs -

i'm trying populate extjs grid data json. values need populate in cells in object gives row , column number. i'm not sure how values correct cells json structure.

here json:

{   "_links" : {     "self" : {       "href" : "http://localhost:8080/api/reports"     }   },   "columns" : [ {     "softwarebuild" : {       "buildid" : 10,       "generation" : "alpha",       "build" : "1.0"     },     "eventtypedisplay" : "event name 1"   }, {     "softwarebuild" : {       "buildid" : 10,       "generation" : "beta",       "build" : "2.0"     },     "eventtypedisplay" : "event name 1"   }],   "entries" : [ {     "row" : 0,     "column" : 0,     "value" : 10   }, {     "row" : 0,     "column" : 1,     "value" : 20   }, {     "row" : 1,     "column" : 0,     "value" : 30   }, {     "row" : 1,     "column" : 1,     "value" : 40   } ],   "rows" : [ {     "metrictypeid" : 1,     "metricname" : "name 1",     "source" : "1",   }, {     "metrictypeid" : 2,     "metricname" : "name 2",     "source" : "2",   }] }  

here grid view:

ext.create('ext.grid.panel', {     renderto: document.body,     store: 'datastore',     width: 400,     height: 200,     title: 'software metrics',     columns: [         {             text: 'dynamic column name',             dataindex: ''         }     ] }); 

here model , store:

ext.define('datamodel', {     extend: '',     fields: [ 'value', 'generation', 'build', 'metricname', 'source' ] });   ext.define('datastore', {     extend: ''     model: 'datamodel',     proxy: {         type: 'rest',         url : 'api/reports'     } }); 

another question have how populate column headers "build" value columns array in json object. , how populate cells in first column "metricname" rows array. question.

this process take time i'll tell need do:

1 - json structure , assign variable, should use ext.ajax.request this.

2 - loop through columns object , create object valid column format extjs like:

var columns = [{     text : '1.0',     dataindex: 'alpha' },{     text: '2.0',     dataindex : 'beta' }]; 

3 - apply columns grid using grid.reconfigure(columns);

4 - model should have fields : ['alpha', 'beta']

5 - store should use memory proxy since grabbed data using ext.ajax.request.

6 - loop through entries object , total number of rows should added.

var entries = [{   "row" : 0,   "column" : 0,   "value" : 10 }, {   "row" : 0,   "column" : 1,   "value" : 20 }, {   "row" : 1,   "column" : 0,   "value" : 30 }, {   "row" : 1,   "column" : 1,   "value" : 40 }];  var rows = []; (var i=0;i<entries.length;i++) {     var currentrow = entries[i].row,         currentcolumn = entries[i].column,         columnname = columns[currentcolumn].dataindex;      if(currentrow > rows.length - 1) {         rows.length = currentrow + 1;     }     if (!rows[currentrow]) rows[currentrow] = {};     rows[currentrow][columnname] = entries[i].value; } 

7 - add assign rows value store using store.loadrawdata



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