java - Thrift Async Client will not stop -

i wonder why without code remarked 1, result not null, application keeps running , never stop, , code remarked 2 doesn't print expected result.

but code remarked 1, application finishes when result not null,and prints code remarked 2.


private object response=null;  public object getresponse() {     return response; }  @override public void oncomplete(object response) {     this.response=response; }  @override public void onerror(exception exception) {     exception.printstacktrace(); } 

async server

public static void main(string[] args) {     try {         tnonblockingserversocket serversocket=new tnonblockingserversocket(10005);         hello.processor<hello.iface> processor=new hello.processor<>(new helloserviceimpl());         tnonblockingserver.args serverargs=new tnonblockingserver.args(serversocket);         tprotocolfactory factory=new tbinaryprotocol.factory();         serverargs.transportfactory(new tframedtransport.factory());         serverargs.processor(processor);         serverargs.protocolfactory(factory);         tserver server=new tnonblockingserver(serverargs);         system.out.println("server start....");         server.serve();      } catch (ttransportexception e) {         e.printstacktrace();     } } 

async client

public static void main(string[] args) {     try {         tasyncclientmanager clientmanager=new tasyncclientmanager();         tnonblockingsocket socket=new tnonblockingsocket("localhost",10005);         tprotocolfactory protocolfactory=new tbinaryprotocol.factory();         hello.asyncclient asyncclient=new hello.asyncclient(protocolfactory,clientmanager,socket);         system.out.println("client calls....");         methodcallback<integer> methodcallback=new methodcallback<>();         asyncclient.helloint(14,methodcallback);         object result=methodcallback.getresponse();         while (result==null){             result=methodcallback.getresponse();             // system.out.println("result "+result); //1         }         system.out.println(result); //2      } catch (ioexception | texception e) {         e.printstacktrace();     } } 


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