autocomplete - Emacs 21 C/C++ auto-complete mode -

i working on server uses old emacs. way install plugins downloading .el files , adding them ~/.emacs/ folder , sourcing main .emacs file. know of c/c++ autocomplete plugin works emacs 21? tried auto-complete-mode error.

an error has occurred while loading `/home/sbhalla/.emacs':  symbol's function definition void: defvaralias 

the same auto-complete-mode works fine on emacs 22.

you might able run emacs 24 without root access:

  1. download , untar emacs 24:
  2. ./configure && make. may tell disable options, e.g. had compile ./configure --without-jpg --without-png
  3. you should able run ./src/emacs

i've done latest version of emacs on university machines without sudo access, work too.


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