node.js - Cannot download Google Cloud Storage file with Node gcloud package -

i have gcloud set in application , seem authenticated. can run following without problem:

googlecloud = require('gcloud')({ /* credentials */ });'mybucket', function (err, res) {}); 

i can following retrieve bucket , file without problem:

var bucket ='mybucket'); var file = bucket.file('myfilename.ext'); 

and when file.getmetadata(), see empty object convert expected information.

however, when attempt download file, problems.

var pathtofilename = 'public/test.pdf';{ destination: pathtofilename }, function (err) { console.log(err); }); { [error: enoent, open '/public/test.pdf'] errno: 34, code: 'enoent', path: '/public/test.pdf' } 

i have tried prepending pathtofilename /, ./, , ../ no success. same error have have gotten in past configuration not authorized or file name incorrect (although unable create buckets , metadata). there still possibly issue acl or other permission i'm not aware of?


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