objective c - How to package CocoaPods dependencies in iOS ANE -

i'm trying create ios googlemaps ane, i'm having troubles resulting packaged ane.

i'm able create ane, when try create ipa using resulting ane, "id: file built unsupported file format" error:

enter image description here

in order use googlemaps in objective-c, cocoapod dependency must downloaded, must packaging problem.

the question is, correct way package cocoapod in ane?

my current platformotions.xml contains following code:

<platform xmlns="http://ns.adobe.com/air/extension/18.0">   <sdkversion>7.0.0</sdkversion>  <linkeroptions>      <option>-rpath @executable_path/frameworks</option> </linkeroptions>  <packageddependencies>      <packageddependency>libpods.a</packageddependency>     <packageddependency>frameworks/googlemaps.framework</packageddependency> </packageddependencies>  </platform> 

this ane package: enter image description here

hope can me.


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