php - CodeIgniter controller functions not triggered -

in codeigniter, url not execute inside controller class. please take , tell me if there's can think of might prevent execution of ci_controller here or should look.

for example following 

all show:

above class below class 

edit: believe issue how i'm trying run 2 separate applications. 1 @ , other directory subfolder of directory held. what's right way both work?

update: moving subdomain outside other codeigniter application's directory hasn't changed behavior in way. codeigniter controller not anything.

here's code:

<?php if (!defined('basepath'))     exit('no direct script access allowed');      echo "above class<br>";      class test extends ci_controller {     public function __construct() {         parent::__construct();         $this->load->model('mod_login');         $this->load->helper('date');          } //443 replace 482     function index() {         echo "index function";     }      function hi($name)     {         echo "hi".$name."!";     } }  echo "below class<br>"; ?> 

here's .htaccess file:

rewriteengine on rewritecond $1 !^(index\.php|assets|common|ico|database_backup|images|img|js|scripts|robots\.txt) rewriterule ^(.*)$ index.php/$1 [l] 
  1. error reporting enabled , no errors triggered. environment defined development on index file.

this may mod_rewrite issue. check php info see if module installed , running on apache server.

if there is, check httpd.conf file @ <directory "c:/path/to/your/app"> directive, should exist allowoverride all.


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