charts - kendo UI Select area and zoom in selected -

i working on kendo ui charts. want develop simple chart allows me select area , zoom in selected part of chart. not find in kendo ui charts, available in high chart. please have here.

$(function () {      $.getjson('', function (data) {            $('#container').highcharts({              chart: {                  zoomtype: 'x'              },              title: {                  text: 'usd eur exchange rate on time'              },              subtitle: {                  text: document.ontouchstart === undefined ?                          'click , drag in plot area zoom in' : 'pinch chart zoom in'              },              xaxis: {                  type: 'datetime'              },              yaxis: {                  title: {                      text: 'exchange rate'                  }              },              legend: {                  enabled: false              },              plotoptions: {                  area: {                      fillcolor: {                          lineargradient: {                              x1: 0,                              y1: 0,                              x2: 0,                              y2: 1                          },                          stops: [                              [0, highcharts.getoptions().colors[0]],                              [1, highcharts.color(highcharts.getoptions().colors[0]).setopacity(0).get('rgba')]                          ]                      },                      marker: {                          radius: 2                      },                      linewidth: 1,                      states: {                          hover: {                              linewidth: 1                          }                      },                      threshold: null                  }              },                series: [{                  type: 'area',                  name: 'usd eur',                  data: data              }]          });      });  });
<script src=""></script>  <script src=""></script>    <div id="container" style="min-width: 310px; height: 400px; margin: 0 auto"></div>

i want know, can same "select on drag" , "zoom selected area" of chart?

thank you

looks planned upcoming q3 release:


the chart add highly anticipated scrolling & zooming functionality. users able scroll , zoom on both desktop , mobile devices—with mouse region selection , pinch gestures respectively.


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