powershell - Returning Error code and event from SQL Server procedure call -

i trying setup powershell script run sql server stored procedures. initially, script returned either 0 or non-zero return code (by evaluating catch block), depending on whether procedure call failed or not:

try {         $command = new-object system.data.sqlclient.sqlcommand ("$query", $connection)                   $dataadapter = new-object system.data.sqlclient.sqldataadapter $command         $dataset = new-object system.data.dataset          $rowcount = $dataadapter.fill($dataset)         if($rowcount -gt 0) {             $dataadapter.fill($dataset) | out-null             $return =,[int]$command.parameters["@returnvalue"].value             $return += ,$dataset.tables[0].rows[0]         } else{             $return=,[int]$command.parameters["@returnvalue"].value                      }     }     catch {         $return=,10000         throw     } 

now want make bit more usable , return error message if job fails. this, using system.data.sqlclient.sqlinfomessageeventhandler, seems work, except doesn't fall catch block , therefore doesn't evaluate other return code. code (the full function):

function run-sqlquery($datasource, $database, $query) { $stuffedmessage = "" $handler = [system.data.sqlclient.sqlinfomessageeventhandler] {param($sender, $error) $stuffedmessage +=  "$($_)" };     try {            try {         $connectionstring = "data source=$datasource; " +             "integrated security=sspi; " +             "initial catalog=$database"          # create connection olap database         $connection = new-object system.data.sqlclient.sqlconnection($connectionstring)                  $connection.add_infomessage($handler);          $connection.fireinfomessageeventonusererrors = $true;         $connection.open()     }     catch {         $return = ,"unable open connection"         throw     }      try {         $command = new-object system.data.sqlclient.sqlcommand ("$query", $connection)          $dataadapter = new-object system.data.sqlclient.sqldataadapter $command         $dataset = new-object system.data.dataset          $rowcount = $dataadapter.fill($dataset)         $return = ,$stuffedmessage         $return +=[int]$command.parameters["@returnvalue"].value         if($rowcount -gt 0) {              $dataadapter.fill($dataset) | out-null             $return +=[int]$command.parameters["@returnvalue"].value             $return +=$dataset.tables[0].rows[0]         } else{             $return +=[int]$command.parameters["@returnvalue"].value                         }     }     catch {         $return=,10000         throw     }            $connection.close() } catch { } {     $connection.dispose()     ,$return } 

i don't want evaluate return message determine whether proc has errored out. can recommend method or way both capture message full proof way show proc call has either been successful or failure?



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