sql server 2008 - Refresh Front-End on Data Change in Database by Other User in C# -
i using c# front end multiple users, connected sql server 2008. question is: if 1 user changes data using update operation, how can other user see impact of update statement without using select *
command or sda.fill
i have thousands of records in table takes time on refill.
here code using update data.
myglobalvariables.bsinc.endedit(); myglobalvariables.con.open(); myglobalvariables.cmdstring = "update increment set incamount=" + convert.toint32(txtinc.text) + ", editedby='"+myglobalvariables.myuname+"', editedon=sysdatetime() incyear=" + convert.toint16(cmbincyear.text) + " , empcode='" + myglobalvariables.myempcode + "'"; myglobalvariables.cmd = new sqlcommand(myglobalvariables.cmdstring, myglobalvariables.con); myglobalvariables.cmd.executenonquery(); myglobalvariables.con.close(); myglobalvariables.ds.tables["increment"].rows[myglobalvariables.bsinc.position].acceptchanges(); myglobalvariables.myparentform.lblprog.text = "record updated successfully.";
i have found solution of problem. here code after insert process.
sqldataadapter sdatemp = new sqldataadapter(); datatable dttemp = new datatable(); myglobalvariables.con.open(); sdatemp = new sqldataadapter("select * increment ecode=(select max(ecode) increment) , userid='"+myglobalvariables.myuid+"'", myglobalvariables.con); myglobalvariables.con.close(); sdatemp.fill(dttemp); myglobalvariables.dtemp.merge(dttemp); myglobalvariables.dtemp.acceptchanges(); myglobalvariables.bsemp.movelast();
thanks suggestions.
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