d - Writing functions conforming template defined function prototypes -
to sheer delight discovered d has made progress , runs on windows 64 bit. has visual studio integration seems work far can see after few hours of playing new toy.
so, started play d language , bloody newbie in d.
in code below goal define function prototypes in template , write functions sub-functions of main() conform prototypes. compiler complains , right cannot find out how right (probably simple syntax problem).
the compiler errors are:
main.d(90): error: function main.actor!(int, int).worker (duration timeout, bool function(int) timeouthandler, bool function(int, int) messagehandler, int context) not callable using argument types ()
main.d(90): error: function main.main.w1ontimeout (int context) not callable using argument types ()
main.d(90): error: function main.main.w1onmessage (int context, int message) not callable using argument types ()
building debug\consoleapp1.exe failed!
import std.stdio; import core.time; import std.socket; import std.concurrency; import core.thread; enum systemmessage { shutdown, terminate, ping, enable, disable } template actor(c,m) { // timeouthandler implementations return true // unless worker shall terminate. alias timeouthandler = bool function(c); // messagehandler implementations return true // unless worker shall terminate. alias messagehandler = bool function(c,m); void worker ( duration timeout , timeouthandler timeouthandler , messagehandler messagehandler , c context ) { bool running = true; bool enabled = true; while(running) { if( true == std.concurrency.receivetimeout (timeout, (m message) { if(enabled) { if(!messagehandler(context,message) ) { running = false; } } }, (systemmessage message) { switch(message) { case systemmessage.shutdown: running = false; break; case systemmessage.terminate: running = false; break; case systemmessage.enable: enabled = true; break; case systemmessage.disable: enabled = false; break; case systemmessage.ping: /* todo: supervisor... */; break; default: break; } } )) { } else { if(!timeouthandler(context)) { running = false; } } } } } alias intintactor = actor!(int,int); int main(string[] argv) { // signatures of next 2 functions conform function // declarations, given in actor template (intintactor). // how write them works? bool w1ontimeout(int context) { writeln("w1ontimeout()"); return true; } bool w1onmessage(int context,int message) { writefln("w1onmessage: context = %d, message = %d", context, message); return true; } // need special syntax here? e.g. &w1ontimeout ? or cast? auto w1 = spawn(intintactor.worker,1000.msecs,w1ontimeout,w1onmessage,1); for(int = 0; < 10; i++) { send(w1,i); } thread.sleep(5000.msecs); send(w1,systemmessage.shutdown); thread_joinall(); return 0; }
thanks help, in advance!
you pretty gave answer in comment:
// need special syntax here? e.g. &w1ontimeout ? or cast?
it; &intintactor.worker
, &w1onmessage
it still won't compile, because &w1ontimeout
, &w1onmessage
regarded delegates, worker
takes function pointers. mark nested functions static
, works:
static bool w1ontimeout(int context) { ... } static bool w1onmessage(int context,int message) { ... }
alternatively, define them outside of main.
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