vbscript - how to rename image file name while uploading on web folder -

i m using asp classic. want rename image file while upload image on web folder created me. please me out of issue.

if there file in targeted folder same name (like lokesh.jpg) uploading, new file should b automatically renamed(like lokesh(1).jpg) instead of overwriting

my code below:


<% class fileuploader public  files private mcolformelem  private sub class_initialize() set files = server.createobject("scripting.dictionary") set mcolformelem = server.createobject("scripting.dictionary") end sub  private sub class_terminate() if isobject(files) files.removeall() set files = nothing end if if isobject(mcolformelem) mcolformelem.removeall() set mcolformelem = nothing end if end sub  public property form(sindex) form = "" if mcolformelem.exists(lcase(sindex)) form = mcolformelem.item(lcase(sindex)) end property  public default sub upload() dim bidata, sinputname dim nposbegin, nposend, npos, vdatabounds, ndataboundpos dim nposfile, nposbound  bidata = request.binaryread(request.totalbytes) nposbegin = 1 nposend = instrb(nposbegin, bidata, cbytestring(chr(13)))  if (nposend-nposbegin) <= 0 exit sub  vdatabounds = midb(bidata, nposbegin, nposend-nposbegin) ndataboundpos = instrb(1, bidata, vdatabounds)  until ndataboundpos = instrb(bidata, vdatabounds & cbytestring("--"))  npos = instrb(ndataboundpos, bidata, cbytestring("content-disposition")) npos = instrb(npos, bidata, cbytestring("name=")) nposbegin = npos + 6 nposend = instrb(nposbegin, bidata, cbytestring(chr(34))) sinputname = cwidestring(midb(bidata, nposbegin, nposend-nposbegin)) nposfile = instrb(ndataboundpos, bidata, cbytestring("filename=")) nposbound = instrb(nposend, bidata, vdatabounds)  if nposfile <> 0 ,  nposfile < nposbound dim ouploadfile, sfilename set ouploadfile = new uploadedfile  nposbegin = nposfile + 10 nposend =  instrb(nposbegin, bidata, cbytestring(chr(34))) sfilename = cwidestring(midb(bidata, nposbegin, nposend-nposbegin)) ouploadfile.filename = right(sfilename, len(sfilename)-instrrev(sfilename, "\"))  dim ofileextension if sfilename <> "" ofileextension = (right(sfilename, len(sfilename)-instrrev(sfilename, "."))) if ofileextension <> "jpg" , ofileextension <> "jpeg" , ofileextension <> "gif" , ofileextension <> "pdf" response.write("<h1>post new file</h1><p><font color=#ff0000>an error has occurred while processing request.<br><br>we sorry, extensions other jpg, jpeg, gif, pdf not allowed upload<p><b>click <a href='javascript:history.go(-1);'>here</a> go , address error.</b></font>") response.end exit sub end if end if  npos = instrb(nposend, bidata, cbytestring("content-type:")) nposbegin = npos + 14 nposend = instrb(nposbegin, bidata, cbytestring(chr(13))) ouploadfile.contenttype = cwidestring(midb(bidata, nposbegin, nposend-nposbegin))  nposbegin = nposend+4 nposend = instrb(nposbegin, bidata, vdatabounds) - 2 ouploadfile.filedata = midb(bidata, nposbegin, nposend-nposbegin)  if sfilename <> "" if ouploadfile.filesize > 10000000 response.write("<h1>post new image</h1><p><font color=#ff0000>an error has occurred while processing request.<br><br>we sorry,     upload file containing 10000000(10mb) bytes only.<p><b>click <a href='javascript:window:history.go(-1);'>here</a> go , address      error.</b></font>") response.end exit sub end if end if  if ouploadfile.filesize > 0 files.add lcase(sinputname), ouploadfile else npos = instrb(npos, bidata, cbytestring(chr(13))) nposbegin = npos + 4 nposend = instrb(nposbegin, bidata, vdatabounds) - 2 if not mcolformelem.exists(lcase(sinputname)) mcolformelem.add lcase(sinputname), cwidestring(midb(bidata, nposbegin, nposend-nposbegin)) end if  ndataboundpos = instrb(ndataboundpos + lenb(vdatabounds), bidata, vdatabounds) loop end sub  'string byte string conversion private function cbytestring(sstring) dim nindex nindex = 1 len(sstring) cbytestring = cbytestring & chrb(ascb(mid(sstring,nindex,1))) next end function  'byte string string conversion  private function cwidestring(bsstring) dim nindex cwidestring ="" nindex = 1 lenb(bsstring) cwidestring = cwidestring & chr(ascb(midb(bsstring,nindex,1)))  next end function end class  class uploadedfile public contenttype public filename public filedata  public property filesize() filesize = lenb(filedata) end property  public sub savetodisk(spath) dim ofs, ofile dim nindex  if spath = "" or filename = "" exit sub if mid(spath, len(spath)) <> "\" spath = spath & "\"  set ofs = server.createobject("scripting.filesystemobject") if not ofs.folderexists(spath) exit sub  set ofile = ofs.createtextfile(spath & filename, true)  nindex = 1 lenb(filedata) ofile.write chr(ascb(midb(filedata,nindex,1))) next  ofile.close end sub  public sub savetodatabase(byref ofield) if lenb(filedata) = 0 exit sub  if isobject(ofield) ofield.appendchunk filedata end if end sub  end class %> 


<!-- #include file="upload.asp" --> <% response.buffer = true  dim uploader, file, i, j set uploader = new fileuploader  uploader.upload() dim brandnm, filename brandnm = uploader.form("brandname")  dim objrsa, objcmda, stra set objcmda  = server.createobject("adodb.connection") set objrsa   = server.createobject("adodb.recordset") objcmda.open mm_conndudirectory_string  stra = "select * brand" objrsa.open stra,objcmda,1,2  if uploader.files.count <> 0 file = uploader.files.items() file(0).savetodisk server.mappath("upload/brands") 'folder path image save filename = file(0).filename else filename = "" end if  objrsa.addnew objrsa.fields("brand_name") = brandnm objrsa.fields("brand_createddt") = now() if filename <>"" objrsa.fields("brand_picpath") = filename  each file in uploader.files.items objrsa("brand_ctype")   = file.contenttype next objrsa.update  objrsa.close set objrsa = nothing set objcmda = nothing %> 

please me out of issue.

if want rename follow known pattern in example ("filename(number).ext"), must use pseudo-code this:

let counter  = 1 let original = file(0).filename let current  = file(0).filename while(current file exists)     current  = original-without-extension + (counter) + original-extension     counter  = counter + 1 end 

however, think better store user provided filename database , choose random-like filename store actual file filesystem.

let current = userlogin + (currenttime yyyymmddhhmmss) + ".uploaded" 

by using bogus file extension make application way more secure, file not interpretable/executable -- imagine malicious user uploading .asp file , executing it.

if break image mime type, should consider creating .asp page read database discover appropriate mime type based on user provided file extension, write content-type , binary file content.

tl;dr: don't use user provided file name, create new one. avoid server hacking.


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