swt - Eclipse GEF - Select figures -
i using gef framework show network of connected nodes. have topeditpart diagram , 1 editpart each node , connections. diagram rendering properly. need select node , outgoing connections , connected nodes should change different color. started off @ editpolicies gef provides, have no clue edit policy use highlight figure ie., show selection feedback. in regard appreciated. have tried:
i created class extending xylayouteditpolicy
, installed on rooteditpart
public class basicxylayouteditpolicy extends xylayouteditpolicy { protected command createaddcommand(editpart child, object constraint) { return null; } protected command createchangeconstraintcommand(editpart child, object constraint) { return null; } protected command getcreatecommand(createrequest request) { return null; } protected editpolicy createchildeditpolicy(editpart child) { return new noderesizableeditpolicy(); } protected command getdeletedependantcommand(request request) { return null; } public editpart gettargeteditpart(request request) { editpart targeteditpart = gethost(); // guessed that... return targeteditpart; } }
installed on root editpart
protected void createeditpolicies() { installeditpolicy(editpolicy.layout_role, new basicxylayouteditpolicy()); }
now create new class nodeselectioneditpolicy
extends selectioneditpolicy
public class nodeselectioneditpolicy extends selectioneditpolicy { @override protected void hideselection() { gethostfigure().setbackgroundcolor(display.getdefault().getsystemcolor(swt.color_green)); } @override protected void showselection() { gethostfigure().setbackgroundcolor(display.getdefault().getsystemcolor(swt.color_dark_red)); } }
next installing policy onto node edit parts
protected void createeditpolicies() { installeditpolicy(editpolicy.selection_feedback_role, new nodeselectioneditpolicy()); }
when execute code, nothing seems happen ie., no visual selection feedback happens. missing ? need implement method of nodeselectioneditpolicy
extending selectioneditpolicy
right way go , should working (in code change color of selected figure).
the problem figure not have background color therefore changing background color doesn't much. try changing foreground color.
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