c++ - Minimalist framework -

i've read somewhere inversion of control (ioc) (kind of) principle of framework.

is correct (taking advantage of that) designed framework x because ioc pattern employed?

may ask minimal framework example (c++ code please)?

or instead, can try more specific, providing code (a complete qt project) , asking if there framework there.

the class frameworkforx (below, @ end) might called framework?


qt       += core gui  greaterthan(qt_major_version, 4): qt += widgets  target = framework template = app  sources += main.cpp\         widget.cpp \     frameworkforx.cpp \     solvemyproblem.cpp  headers  += widget.h \     frameworkforx.h \     solvemyproblem.h 


#include "widget.h" #include <qapplication>  int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {     qapplication a(argc, argv);     widget w;     w.show();      return a.exec(); } 


#ifndef widget_h #define widget_h  #include <qwidget>  class qlineedit; class qlabel; class solvemyproblem;  class widget : public qwidget {     q_object public:     widget(qwidget *parent = 0);     ~widget();  private:     qlineedit *lineedit;     qlabel *label;     solvemyproblem *solvemyproblem;  public slots:     void doit();     void onresult(int result); };  #endif // widget_h 


#include "widget.h"  #include "qvboxlayout" #include "qpushbutton" #include "qlineedit" #include "qlabel"  #include "solvemyproblem.h"  widget::widget(qwidget *parent)     : qwidget(parent), solvemyproblem(new solvemyproblem) {     qvboxlayout *vlayout = new qvboxlayout(this);      lineedit = new qlineedit;     vlayout->addwidget(lineedit);      qpushbutton *bt = new qpushbutton("do it!");     connect(bt, &qpushbutton::clicked, this, &widget::doit);     vlayout->addwidget(bt, 1, qt::alignright);      label = new qlabel("the result shown here.");     connect(solvemyproblem, &solvemyproblem::result, this, &widget::onresult);     vlayout->addwidget(label);      resize(400, 100);     setwindowtitle("is (frameworkforx) framework?"); }  widget::~widget() {  }  void widget::doit() {     qstring text = lineedit->text();     solvemyproblem->dosomething(text); }  void widget::onresult(int result) {     qstring text = qstring::number(result);     label->settext(text); } 


#ifndef solvemyproblem_h #define solvemyproblem_h  #include "frameworkforx.h"  class solvemyproblem : public frameworkforx { public:     solvemyproblem();      int dospecificjob(const qstring &text); };  #endif // solvemyproblem_h 


#include "solvemyproblem.h"  solvemyproblem::solvemyproblem() {  }  int solvemyproblem::dospecificjob(const qstring &text) {     int = text.size();     return i; } 


#ifndef frameworkforx_h #define frameworkforx_h  #include "qobject"  class qstring;  class frameworkforx : public qobject {     q_object public:     frameworkforx();      void dosomething(const qstring &text);  protected:     virtual int dospecificjob(const qstring &text) = 0;  signals:     void result(int i);  };  #endif // frameworkforx_h 


#include "frameworkforx.h"  frameworkforx::frameworkforx() {  }  void frameworkforx::dosomething(const qstring &text) {     int value = dospecificjob(text);     emit result(value); } 

your example close framework. , it's close ioc. in opinion, not exact pattern because of part:

widget::widget(qwidget*) : ... solvemyproblem(new solvemyproblem) 

the widget still has control on strategy. constructs it. therefore, there no inversion. proper ioc implementation take strategy e.g. parameter. then, makes sense require base class or interface:

widget::widget(qwidget*, frameworkforx* mysolver) : ... solvemyproblem(mysolver)  //of course, declaration of solvemyproblem has adapted 

so far ioc part. let's come framework part. possible definition of framework following:

a framework software component extension points , variation points.

a software component anything. class, library, whole set of libraries... ioc offers variation point. can vary functionality of class (in case of widget) supplying custom implementation. can plug implementation framework build functional software component (whereas framework kind of skeleton).

so: yes. in opinion, every ioc implementation can seen framework. in concrete example, framework consist of widget , frameworkforx (where frameworkforx interface). solvemyproblem custom implementation plugged framework.


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