java - Drools - Check if map exist consecutive dates -

i have collection (map) contain data of 7 days. keys of hashmap dates in format yyyy-mm-dd
need create rule check if string exists inside list[string] in days , days consecutive dates. there way it?

i'm trying using contains it's not include checking of consecutive dates.

    rule "bonus a"      lock-on-active true         when         databinding : databinding($data : data)     items : list( size > 6 )             collect(  list(this contains "1" &&                                 contains "2" &&                                 contains "3" ) $data.values )               databinding.addpoint(7.5);         end 

and here code

map<string, object> data = new hashmap<string, object>();         data.put("2015-08-03", arrays.aslist("2", "3", "1", "4"));         data.put("2015-08-05", arrays.aslist("2", "3", "1", "4"));         data.put("2015-08-04", arrays.aslist("2", "3", "1", "4"));         data.put("2015-08-07", arrays.aslist("2", "3", "1", "4"));         data.put("2015-08-06", arrays.aslist("2", "3", "1", "4"));         data.put("2015-08-09", arrays.aslist("2", "3", "1", "4"));         data.put("2015-08-08", arrays.aslist("2", "3", "1", "4"));         databinding databinding = new databinding();         databinding.setdata(data);          ksession.insert(databinding);         ksession.fireallrules(); 

thanks suggestion.

i suggest write static method checking whether set of 7 string values denotes 7 consecutive dates:

static boolean consecutive (set<string> dates){     // ... } 

and add constraint rule:

rule "bonus a" when     databinding : databinding($data : data)     eval( consecutive( $data.keyset() ) )        items : list( size > 6 ) ... 

there no simple way around this.

you may add method drl function, minor changes in syntax - see drools manual.


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