c++ - OpenGL drawing triangles -

i pretty new opengl, have followed tutorials , trying play on own. i've got structure:

struct vertex {     vec3 position;     vec3 color; }; 

and if have done of this:

glgenvertexarrays(1, &vaoid); glgenbuffers(1, &vboverticesid);  glbindvertexarray(vaoid);  glbindbuffer(gl_array_buffer, vboverticesid); glbufferdata(gl_array_buffer, sizeof(vertex) * mesh.vertcount, mesh.verts, gl_static_draw);  glenablevertexattribarray(shader["vvertex"]); glvertexattribpointer(shader["vvertex"], 3, gl_float, gl_false, sizeof(vertex), (const glvoid*)offsetof(vertex, position));  glenablevertexattribarray(shader["vcolor"]); glvertexattribpointer(shader["vcolor"], 3, gl_float, gl_false, sizeof(vertex), (const glvoid*)offsetof(vertex, color)); 

mesh.vertices vertex* type. put in array every following 3 forms triangle.

the question how call render triangles? have tried gldrawarrays(gl_triangles, 0, mesh.vertcount); nothing happened, no errors thrown , no triangles rendered. before had separate arrays vertices position, color , indices , gldrawelements working fine.

mesh constructor:

mesh::mesh(const string sourcepath) {     ifstream modelfile;     modelfile.open(sourcepath.c_str(), ios_base::in);      if (!modelfile.good())     {         cout << "cannot load model file (" << sourcepath << ")!\n";     }      string line;      vector<vec3> tempvertices;     vector<vec3> tempnormals;     vector<vertex> verticesvector;      while (getline(modelfile, line))     {         if (line[0] == 'v')         {             if (line[1] == ' ')             {                 vec3 v;                 sscanf_s(line.c_str(), "%*s %f %f %f", &v.x, &v.y, &v.z);                 tempvertices.push_back(v);             }             else if (line[1] == 'n')             {                 vec3 n;                 sscanf_s(line.c_str(), "%*s %f %f %f", &n.x, &n.y, &n.z);                 tempnormals.push_back(n);             }         }         else if (line[0] == 'f')         {             vector<string> elems;             stringstream s(line);             string item;             while (getline(s, item, ' '))             {                 elems.push_back(item);             }              if (elems.size() != 4)             {                 cout << sourcepath << " parsing error!\n";             }              (int = 1; < 4; ++i)             {                 stringstream s(elems[i]);                 string item;                 vector<unsigned int> vs;                 while (getline(s, item, '/'))                 {                     vs.push_back((unsigned int)atoi(item.c_str())-1);                 }                  if (vs.size() != 3)                     cout << sourcepath << " parsing error!\n";                  vertex vert;                  vert.position = tempvertices[vs[0]];                 vert.color = vec3(.5f); //              vert.normal = vs[2] != -1 ? tempnormals[vs[2]] : vec3(0.f, 1.f, 0.f);                  verticesvector.push_back(vert);             }         }     }      vertcount = verticesvector.size();     verts = (vertex*)malloc(vertcount * sizeof(vertex));     (int = 0; < vertcount; ++i)     {         verts[i] = verticesvector[i];         cout << verticesvector[i].position.x << " " << verticesvector[i].position.y << " " << verticesvector[i].position.z << "\n";     }      cout << "model loaded(" << sourcepath << ")!\n"; } 

init function:

void oninit() {     gl_check_errors;      shader.loadfromfile(gl_vertex_shader, "shaders/shader.vert");     shader.loadfromfile(gl_fragment_shader, "shaders/shader.frag");      shader.createandlingprogram();      shader.use();     shader.addattribute("vvertex");     shader.addattribute("vcolor"); //  shader.addattribute("vnormal");     shader.adduniform("mvp"); //  shader.adduniform("lightdir");     shader.unuse();      gl_check_errors;      glgenvertexarrays(1, &vaoid);     glgenbuffers(1, &vboverticesid);      glbindvertexarray(vaoid);      glbindbuffer(gl_array_buffer, vboverticesid);     glbufferdata(gl_array_buffer, sizeof(vertex) * mesh.vertcount, mesh.verts, gl_static_draw);     gl_check_errors;      glenablevertexattribarray(shader["vvertex"]);     glvertexattribpointer(shader["vvertex"], 3, gl_float, gl_false, sizeof(vertex), (const glubyte*)null + offsetof(vertex, position));     gl_check_errors;      glenablevertexattribarray(shader["vcolor"]);     glvertexattribpointer(shader["vcolor"], 3, gl_float, gl_false, sizeof(vertex), (const glubyte*)null + offsetof(vertex, color));     gl_check_errors;  //  glenablevertexattribarray(shader["vnormal"]); //  glvertexattribpointer(shader["vnormal"], 3, gl_float, gl_false, sizeof(vertex), (const glvoid*)offsetof(vertex, normal)); //  gl_check_errors;      glclearcolor(.3, .3, .3, 1);     glutpassivemotionfunc(mousefunc);     glutwarppointer(width / 2, height / 2);     cout << "initialization completed.\n" << endl; } 

and render function:

void onrender() {     glclear(gl_color_buffer_bit | gl_depth_buffer_bit);     shader.use();     gluniformmatrix4fv(shader("mvp"), 1, gl_false, glm::value_ptr(p * v * m));     gldrawarrays(gl_points, 0, mesh.vertcount);     gl_check_errors;     shader.unuse();      glutswapbuffers();      glutpostredisplay(); } 

i have resoved finally, code here ok, wrong use of mesh constructor (mesh mesh = mesh(filepath) instead of mesh mesh(filepath)) help.


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