r - how to add the third legend in ggplot graph -

the problem want add multiple legend different layer of layoutkaryogram function in ggbio plot.

library(genomicranges) library(ggbio) df<-data.frame(chromosome=c(9,9,9,9,9,9),start=c(12229,12244,12245,12248,19576961,19792417)            ,end=c(12229,12244,12245,12248,19576961,19792417),sample1=c("kdnl","ct","ir","ir","dh","dh"),            marker=c('snp',"snp",'snp',"snp",'ssr',"ssr"))  myideo<-data.frame(chromosome=9,start=1,end=21757032) 

then change granges object

> dfgr  granges object 6 ranges , 2 metadata columns:       seqnames               ranges strand |   sample   marker          <rle>            <iranges>  <rle> | <factor> <factor>   [1]        9 [   12229,    12229]      * |     kdnl      snp   [2]        9 [   12244,    12244]      * |       ct      snp   [3]        9 [   12245,    12245]      * |       dh      snp   [4]        9 [   12248,    12248]      * |       dh      snp   [5]        9 [19576961, 19576961]      * |     kdnl      ssr   [6]        9 [19792417, 19792417]      * |     kdnl      ssr   -------   seqinfo: 1 sequence unspecified genome; no seqlengths   > myideogr granges object 1 range , 0 metadata columns:       seqnames        ranges strand          <rle>     <iranges>  <rle>   [1]        9 [1, 21757032]      *   -------   seqinfo: 1 sequence unspecified genome; no seqlengths 

and try plot , give me nice graph

q1 <- ggplot() + layout_karyogram(myideogr, cytoband = false)  q2=q1 + layout_karyogram(dfgr[dfgr$marker == "snp",], geom ="rect", ylim =c(0, 10), aes(fill=sample,colour=sample)) +   layout_karyogram(dfgr[dfgr$marker == "ssr",], ylim =c(11, 19), aes(fill=sample,colour=sample)) +   scale_color_manual(values=c("#22b700","#00c0ba", "#f564e3","#ff6c91" ),name="snp",breaks=c("ct","ir","kdnl")) +   scale_fill_manual(values=c("#22b700","#00c0ba", "#f564e3","#ff6c91"),name="ssr",breaks=c("dh","kdnl")) +   guides(fill = guide_legend(order=2), color = guide_legend(order=1)) 

however, have information want add plot

gene_overlapgr    granges object 7 ranges , 2 metadata columns:       seqnames               ranges strand |      sample       trait          <rle>            <iranges>  <rle> | <character> <character>   [1]        9 [10128837, 10131086]      * |    sample_5         mxa   [2]        9 [10128837, 10131086]      * |    sample_5         mxa   [3]        9 [10128837, 10131086]      * |    sample_5         mxa   [4]        9 [10128837, 10131086]      * |    sample_5         mxa   [5]        9 [10338558, 10340355]      * |    sample_5         mxa   [6]        9 [10338558, 10340355]      * |    sample_5         mxa   [7]        9 [10328808, 10333199]      * |    sample_5         mxa 

i try add new plot code below legend

q2+ layout_karyogram(gene_overlapgr, geom ="rect",ylim=c(-10,-1),aes(fiil=trait)) 

any suggestion add third legend mxa lebeling?


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