c++ - Looping over an array in RapidJson and getting the object elements -

how value out of constrvalueiterator? in case know elements of array dictionaries (aka objects).

code summed up:

for (rapidjson::value::constvalueiterator itr = rawbuttons.begin(); itr != rawbuttons.end(); ++itr) { // ok     if (itr->hasmember("yes")) { // ok         auto somestring = itr["yes"]->getstring(); // error     } } 

um. iterators need dereferenced or whatever it's called.

for (rapidjson::value::constvalueiterator itr = rawbuttons.begin(); itr != rawbuttons.end(); ++itr) { // ok     if (itr->hasmember("yes")) { // ok         auto somestring = (*itr)["yes"]->getstring(); // bingo     } } 


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