c++ - SDL_mixer wont play sound Raspberry Pi -

i can't sdl_mixer play sound on raspberry. program compiles , builds ok, hear short squeak (like static) , nothing.

any ideas?

#include <sdl/sdl.h> #include <sdl/sdl_mixer.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string> #include <iostream>  int main() {     mix_chunk *snd1 = null;     mix_music *m = null;      if(sdl_init(sdl_init_video | sdl_init_audio) < 0) {         std::cout << "something went wrong";     }      if(mix_openaudio(44100, mix_default_format, 2, 1024) < 0) {         std::cout << "kunne ikke loade musikk";     }      snd1 = mix_loadwav("bicycle_bell.wav");      if(snd1 == null) {         std::cout << "fant ikke filen";     }      mix_playchannel(-1, snd1, 0);      mix_freechunk(snd1);     mix_quit();      return 1; } 

solved it. program terminated before sound playing.

when testing simple:


fixed it.


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