go - upload file with same format using beego -

file uploading done not same name filename have tried in html file

<html>   <title>go upload</title>   <body>     <form action="http://localhost:8080/receive" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">   <label for="file">filename:</label>   <input type="file" name="file" id="file">   <input type="submit" name="submit" value="submit">   </form>     </body>   </html>

and in beego/go receive.go

package main    import (  	"fmt"  	"io"  	"net/http"  	"os"  )    func uploadhandler(w http.responsewriter, r *http.request) {    	// formfile function takes in post input id file  	file, header, err := r.formfile("file")    	if err != nil {  		fmt.fprintln(w, err)  		return  	}    	defer file.close()    	out, err := os.create("/home/vijay/desktop/uploadfile")  	if err != nil {  		fmt.fprintf(w, "unable create file writing. check write access privilege")  		return  	}    	defer out.close()    	// write content post file  	_, err = io.copy(out, file)  	if err != nil {  		fmt.fprintln(w, err)  	}    	fmt.fprintf(w, "file uploaded : ")  	fmt.fprintf(w, header.filename)  }    func main() {  	http.handlefunc("/", uploadhandler)  	http.listenandserve(":8080", nil)  }

i able achieve uploading file here same format... not same name.. want file uploaded same name file name

you not using beego controller handle upload

package controllers  import (         "github.com/astaxie/beego" )  type maincontroller struct {         beego.controller }  function (this *maincontroller) getfiles() {     this.tplnames = "atemplatefile.html"      file, header, er := this.getfile("file") // <<this>> controller , <<file>> id of form field     if file != nil {         // filename         filename := header.filename         // save server         err := this.savetofile("file", somepathonserver)     } } 


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