cmd - Batch File toggle menus -

im writing batch file , make toggle menu choices execute instead of common question , answer execution

is there way make list of choices , toggle "run" or "off" them , hit enter start

i found file seemed me in right direction dont know how make work batch file

the code found is...

@echo off  set _on=0  :top cls  if %_on%==0 (set _nlb= &set _nrb= &set _flb=[&set _frb=]) else (set _nlb=    [&set _nrb=]&set _flb= &set _frb= )  echo '_on' flag currently: %_nlb% on %_nrb%  %_flb% off %_frb% echo. echo press key toggle '_on' flag pause>nul  if %_on%==0 (set _on=1) else (set _on=0) goto top 


netusers [run] [off] netuseradministrator [run] [off] virus.exe [run] [off] press enter initiate selected. 

in type of layout if makes sense

use choice command. example

echo 1] settings echo 2] start echo 3] quit choice /c 123 /n if %errorlevel%==1 goto settings if %errorlevel%==2 goto start if %errorlevel%==3 goto quit 

there more parameters timeout , stuff that. @ choice /?


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