Can this python code be expressed with list comprehension? -

i find following readable, wondering if more pythonesque manner accomplish (perhaps list comprehension)?

import re cgi_keys = [ '_none___total', '_george___total', 'greg__total', '_geoff___total', '_gillian_total' ] pattern = re.compile(r"_(.+)___(.+)") totals = [] key in cgi_keys:     m = pattern.match(key)     if m:         totals.append(m.groups()) totals 

which display:

[('none', 'total'), ('george', 'total'), ('geoff', 'total')] 

but hoping figure out way above using construct such as:

[key key in cgi_keys if pattern.match(key)] 

displaying strings in less useful form:

['_none___total', '_george___total', '_geoff___total'] 

is worth trying achieve breaking filtered strings tuples, or lists list comprehension?

actually use:

totals = (pattern.match(key) key in cgi_keys) totals = [match.groups() match in totals if match] 

which shorter still efficient because first affectation generator values won't evaluated until second statement.

also, use:

totals = [match.groups match in filter(none, map(pattern.match, cgi_keys))] 

as map() gives generator. you'd have use imap in python 2 instead. same goes ifilter.

note if cgi_keys small, may use map in python 2 extra-work done iterating twice unnoticeable anyway.


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