c++ - How to set up object transformations,properties? -
i'm new opengl, , doing homework online lessons. first task fill skillet code for: rotate, scale, translate, perspective, move left/right, up/down. did it, met problem next task: setting transformations. show me example or links how it? appreciate.
(int = 0 ; < numobjects ; i++) { object* obj = &(objects[i]); // set object transformations // , pass in appropriate material properties // again gluniform() related functions useful // draw object // provide actual glut drawing functions you. // remember obj->type notation accessing struct fields if (obj->type == cube) { glutsolidcube(obj->size); } else if (obj->type == sphere) { const int tessel = 20; glutsolidsphere(obj->size, tessel, tessel); } else if (obj->type == teapot) { glutsolidteapot(obj->size); } }
const int maxobjects = 10 ; extern int numobjects ; extern struct object { shape type ; glfloat size ; glfloat ambient[4] ; glfloat diffuse[4] ; glfloat specular[4] ; glfloat emission[4] ; glfloat shininess ; mat4 transform ; } objects[maxobjects];
transformations in modern opengl done using uniform matrices in shader. basically, have query uniform location of transformation variable (glgetuniformlocation) , pass obj->transform
member location using gluniformmatrix4fv.
for material parameters workflow same, different gluniform* call fits type.
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