c# - How can I prevent navigation back using CEFSharp library? -

i want prevent navigation application using cefsharp library , winforms. have found no solutions this, links here: how disable backspace "go back" navigation? it`s not work me. me?

--> requesthandler.cs

class requesthandler : irequesthandler {     public bool onbeforebrowse(iwebbrowser browser, irequest request, bool isredirect, bool ismainframe)     {         if ((request.transitiontype & transitiontype.forwardback) != 0)         {             return true;         }         return false;     }      public bool oncertificateerror(iwebbrowser browser, ceferrorcode errorcode, string requesturl)     {         return false;     }      public void onplugincrashed(iwebbrowser browser, string pluginpath)     {      }      public cefreturnvalue onbeforeresourceload(iwebbrowser browser, irequest request, bool ismainframe)     {         return cefreturnvalue.continue;     }      public bool getauthcredentials(iwebbrowser browser, bool isproxy, string host, int port, string realm, string scheme,         ref string username, ref string password)     {         return true;     }      public bool onbeforepluginload(iwebbrowser browser, string url, string policyurl, webplugininfo info)     {         return true;     }      public void onrenderprocessterminated(iwebbrowser browser, cefterminationstatus status)     {      } } 

--> in program.cs

_browser = new chromiumwebbrowser(url)         {             requesthandler = new requesthandler(),             dock = dockstyle.fill,             requesthandler = new requesthandler()         }; 

p.s. application launched in browser single page.


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