ios - Replacing Occurrences of Strings in NSMutableArray Only Working Once -

i confounded, , perhaps have missed simple, can't find it.

i'll problem in theoretical, because have done test , still cannot work stripped down code. using spritebuilder, shouldn't causing issue - can log value getting in text input, cannot value array second time - enough ranting, time code.


#import "content.h" #import "replaceme.h"  @property content *contentinstance; @property replaceme *replacemeinstance;  


   -(void)somefunction{     _contentinstance = (content*)[ccbreader load:@"contentscene"];   [_contentinstance.changearray enumerateobjectsusingblock:^(id obj, nsuinteger idx, bool *stop) {         if ([_contentinstance.base[idx] containsstring:@"one"]){             nslog(@"i contain one!");             nsstring *replace = [_content.testarray[idx] stringbyreplacingoccurrencesofstring:@"one" withstring:changethetext.string];             [_content.testarray replaceobjectatindex:idx withobject:replace];             nslog(@"%@",_content.testarray[idx]);         }     }]; [_contentinstance updatelabels];     } 


@property nsarray *base; @property nsarray *changearray; 


-(void)somefunction{     _base = @[@"this one",@"this two",@"this 2 point one"];     _changearray = [base mutablecopy]; } -(void)updatelabels{     [_changearray enumerateobjectsusingblock:^(id obj, nsuinteger idx, bool *stop) {         _labeler = [cclabelttf labelwithstring:[nsstring stringwithformat:@"%@",_changearray[idx]] fontname:@"helvetica" fontsize:12.0f];         }     }]; } 


@property cctextfield *changethetext; -(void)_changethetextselector; 


-(void)_changethetextselector{ self.visible=no; } 

when call mainscene's somefuction, set works dandy first time - , first time. can't changearray update after first time run enumeration.

i know changethetext changing, logs out, when log changearray[idx], stuck @ first changethetext.

any ideas?

try , compare code. working fine me;

nsarray* base = @[@"this one",@"this two",@"this 2 point one"]; nsmutablearray *changearray = [base mutablecopy];  [base enumerateobjectsusingblock:^(id obj, nsuinteger idx, bool *stop) {     if ([obj containsstring:@"one"]) {         nslog(@"data : %@", changearray[idx]);         //--         [changearray replaceobjectatindex:idx withobject:[((nsstring*) obj) stringbyreplacingoccurrencesofstring:@"one" withstring:@""]];     } }];  nslog(@"changearray %@", changearray); 


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