sqlite3 - Android creates database with old schema -

there new sqliteopenhelper:

public class dbmanager extends sqliteopenhelper {      public static final int database_version = 2;      // database creation sql statement     // indexes should not used on small tables. © tutorials point     private static final string database_create =             "create table " + laws_table_name + "(" +             column_law_id + " integer primary key, " +             column_law_name + " text not null, " +             column_law_text + " text not null, " +             column_law_country + " text not null, " +             column_law_version_date + " text not null);" +             column_law_update_date + " text not null);" +              "create table " + chapters_table_name + "(" +             column_chapter_id + " integer primary key, " +             column_chapter_title + " text not null, " +             column_chapter_order + " integer not null, " +             column_chapter_weight + " integer not null, " +             column_chapter_law + " integer not null, " +             column_chapter_text + " text);";      public dbmanager(context context) {         super(context, database_name, null, database_version);     }      // method called during creation of database     @override     public void oncreate(sqlitedatabase database) {         database.execsql(database_create);     }      // method called during upgrade of database,     @override     public void onupgrade(sqlitedatabase database, int oldversion, int newversion) {         database.execsql("drop table if exists " + laws_table_name + ";");         database.execsql("drop table if exists " + chapters_table_name + ";");         oncreate(database);     }      public boolean savelawtodatabase(law law) {         try {             sqlitedatabase sdb = this.getwritabledatabase();              cursor cursor = sdb.rawquery("select * " + laws_table_name + " " + column_law_id + "=" + law.getid(), null);             if (cursor.movetofirst()) {                 deletelaw(law.getid());             }              contentvalues newvalues = new contentvalues();              newvalues.put(dbmanager.column_law_id, law.getid());             newvalues.put(dbmanager.column_law_country, law.getcountrycode());             newvalues.put(dbmanager.column_law_version_date, law.getupdatedateasstring());             newvalues.put(dbmanager.column_law_text, law.gettitle());             newvalues.put(dbmanager.column_law_name, law.gettitle());              sdb.insert(dbmanager.laws_table_name, null, newvalues);              (chapter chapter:law.getchapters()) {                 newvalues = new contentvalues();                  newvalues.put(dbmanager.column_chapter_id , chapter.getid());                 newvalues.put(dbmanager.column_chapter_title , chapter.gettitle());                 newvalues.put(dbmanager.column_chapter_order , chapter.getorder());                 newvalues.put(dbmanager.column_chapter_weight , chapter.getweight());                 newvalues.put(dbmanager.column_chapter_law , law.getid());                 newvalues.put(dbmanager.column_chapter_text, chapter.gettext());                  sdb.insert(dbmanager.chapters_table_name, null, newvalues);             }               return true;         } catch (exception e) {             e.printstacktrace();             return false;         }     } } 

after full reinstalling of application creates db old schema (without "chapters" table). after calling sdb.insert chapters gives me following traceback:

e/sqlitedatabase﹕ error inserting text= title=da test title weight=2 law_id=1 order=2 _id=2     android.database.sqlite.sqliteexception: near "order": syntax error (code 1): , while compiling: insert chapters(text,title,weight,law_id,order,_id) values (?,?,?,?,?,?)             @ android.database.sqlite.sqliteconnection.nativepreparestatement(native method)             @ android.database.sqlite.sqliteconnection.acquirepreparedstatement(sqliteconnection.java:889)             @ android.database.sqlite.sqliteconnection.prepare(sqliteconnection.java:500)             @ android.database.sqlite.sqlitesession.prepare(sqlitesession.java:588)             @ android.database.sqlite.sqliteprogram.<init>(sqliteprogram.java:58)             @ android.database.sqlite.sqlitestatement.<init>(sqlitestatement.java:31)             @ android.database.sqlite.sqlitedatabase.insertwithonconflict(sqlitedatabase.java:1475)             @ android.database.sqlite.sqlitedatabase.insert(sqlitedatabase.java:1347)             @ kg.zuber.pocketlawyer.utils.dbmanager.savelawtodatabase(dbmanager.java:106)             @ kg.zuber.pocketlawyer.network.datareceiver$5.onresponse(datareceiver.java:84)             @ kg.zuber.pocketlawyer.network.datareceiver$5.onresponse(datareceiver.java:79)             @ com.android.volley.toolbox.jsonrequest.deliverresponse(jsonrequest.java:65)             @ com.android.volley.executordelivery$responsedeliveryrunnable.run(executordelivery.java:99)             @ android.os.handler.handlecallback(handler.java:730)             @ android.os.handler.dispatchmessage(handler.java:92)             @ android.os.looper.loop(looper.java:213)             @ android.app.activitythread.main(activitythread.java:5225)             @ java.lang.reflect.method.invokenative(native method)             @ java.lang.reflect.method.invoke(method.java:525)             @ com.android.internal.os.zygoteinit$methodandargscaller.run(zygoteinit.java:741)             @ com.android.internal.os.zygoteinit.main(zygoteinit.java:557)             @ dalvik.system.nativestart.main(native method) 

where wrong?

the problem have 2 sql statements in database_create statement.

if @ the documentation execsql(), can see not supported:

multiple statements separated semicolons not supported.

just separate out each table creation statement:

private static final string database_create_laws =         "create table " + laws_table_name + "(" +                 column_law_id + " integer primary key, " +                 column_law_name + " text not null, " +                 column_law_text + " text not null, " +                 column_law_country + " text not null, " +                 column_law_version_date + " text not null);" +                 column_law_update_date + " text not null);";  private static final string database_create_chapters =         "create table " + chapters_table_name + "(" +                 column_chapter_id + " integer primary key, " +                 column_chapter_title + " text not null, " +                 column_chapter_order + " integer not null, " +                 column_chapter_weight + " integer not null, " +                 column_chapter_law + " integer not null, " +                 column_chapter_text + " text);"; 

and execute both statements in oncreate() method:

@override public void oncreate(sqlitedatabase database) {     database.execsql(database_create_laws);     database.execsql(database_create_chapters); } 


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