sorting - Android: sort by date in the JSON data -

i new android. i'm trying sort date in json data, nothing works. i'm not getting error. i've tried many different ways, not working.

i did lot of searching not figure out how implement this. how can sort days column? thank in advance.

here's code

public class parsejsontask  extends asynctask< void , void , void > { public handler handler = new handler(); public activity act = null; private  static string tag_services = "services"; private static string tag_id = "id"; private static string tag_command = "command"; private static string tag_days = "days"; private static string tag_hours = "hours"; private static string tag_osms = "osms"; private static string tag_isms = "isms"; private static string tag_timeout = "timeout"; public string sms_sent = "sms gönderildi"; public string sms_delivered = "sms İletildi"; public string servicestring = "";  arraylist<servicedata> services;      @override     public void onpreexecute() {         super.onpreexecute();         services = new arraylist<servicedata>();       }     @override     public void doinbackground(void... params) {           webservicehandler webservicehandler = new webservicehandler();         string jsonstr = webservicehandler.getjsondata("");          try {              jsonobject jsonobject = new jsonobject(jsonstr);             final jsonarray contactsjson = jsonobject.getjsonarray(tag_services);              (int = 0; < contactsjson.length(); i++) {                  servicedata aservicedata = new servicedata();                   //json parse  istedimiz veriyi kullanabiliriz.                 jsonobject serviceobject = contactsjson.getjsonobject(i);         = serviceobject.getstring(tag_id);                  aservicedata.command = serviceobject.getstring(tag_command);                  aservicedata.days = serviceobject.getstring(tag_days);                  aservicedata.hours = serviceobject.getstring(tag_hours);                  aservicedata.osms = serviceobject.getstring(tag_osms);                  aservicedata.isms = serviceobject.getstring(tag_isms);                  aservicedata.timeout = serviceobject.getstring(tag_timeout);                   string input = aservicedata.days + " " + aservicedata.hours;                 date date = new simpledateformat("yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm").parse(input);                 long milliseconds = date.gettime();                 final long millisecondsfromnow = milliseconds - (new date()).gettime();                 aservicedata.milliseconds = milliseconds;                 services.add(aservicedata);                  if(millisecondsfromnow > 0) {                     new datesendsms().oncreate(aservicedata.days, aservicedata.hours, aservicedata.osms, aservicedata.command);                     thread.sleep(integer.parseint(aservicedata.timeout) * 60000);                 }                  //timeout aşağı kısımda sürelendirilecek               }           } catch (exception e) {             e.printstacktrace();         }          return null;     }     @override     protected void onpostexecute(void result) {         super.onpostexecute(result);          string servicestring = "";         (servicedata aservicedata:services){             servicestring+=aservicedata.tostring();         }         collections.sort(services, new comparator<servicedata>() {             @override             public int compare(servicedata t1, servicedata t2) {                 return t1.milliseconds <= t2.milliseconds ? -1 : 1;             }         });          // here sorted data         (servicedata aservicedata : services) {              // move datesendsms here. above can add additional logic millis             new datesendsms().oncreate(aservicedata.days, aservicedata.hours, aservicedata.osms, aservicedata.command);             log.d("+++++", aservicedata.tostring());         }     } } 

servicedata class:

public static class servicedata {     public long milliseconds;     public string id = "";     public string command = "";     public string days = "";     public string hours = "";     public string osms = "";     public string isms = "";     public string timeout = "";     @override     public string tostring() {         return id + ",  " + command + ",  " + days + ",  " + hours + ",  " + osms + ",  " + isms                 + ",  " + timeout + "\n \n  ";     } } 

add time field servicedata class

servicedate {    ...    long milliseconds;    ... } 

fill field in loop:

long milliseconds = date.gettime(); aservicedata.milliseconds = milliseconds; 

sort services in onpostexecute

collections.sort(services, new comparator<servicedata>() {     @override     public int compare(servicedata t1, servicedata t2) {         return t1.milliseconds <= t2.milliseconds ? -1 : 1;     } }); 


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