swift - In app purchase in SKScene not working? -
i'm creating spritekit game in swift , i'm trying implement in app purchases.
i followed question here: in app purchase in skscene
and here code:
in didmovetoview:
// set iaps if(skpaymentqueue.canmakepayments()) { println("iap enabled, loading") var productid:nsset = nsset(objects: "gameoversavesavior") var request: skproductsrequest = skproductsrequest(productidentifiers: productid set<nsobject>) request.delegate = self request.start() } else { println("please enable iaps") }
outside of didmovetoview in gamescene
//in app purchase ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ var productlist = [skproduct]() var p = skproduct() func purchasemade() { println("they bought it!") } func buyproduct() { println("buy" + p.productidentifier) var pay = skpayment(product: p) skpaymentqueue.defaultqueue().addtransactionobserver(self) skpaymentqueue.defaultqueue().addpayment(pay skpayment) } func productsrequest(request: skproductsrequest!, didreceiveresponse response: skproductsresponse!) { println("product request") var myproduct = response.products product in myproduct { println("product added") println(product.productidentifier) println(product.localizedtitle) println(product.localizeddescription) println(product.price) productlist.append(product as! skproduct) } } func paymentqueuerestorecompletedtransactionsfinished(queue: skpaymentqueue!) { println("transactions restored") var purchaseditemids = [] transaction in queue.transactions { var t: skpaymenttransaction = transaction as! skpaymenttransaction let prodid = t.payment.productidentifier string switch prodid { case "gameoversavesavior": purchasemade() //right here should put function want execute when in app purchase complete default: println("iap not setup") } } var alert = uialertview(title: "thank you", message: "your purchase(s) restored. may have restart app before banner ads removed.", delegate: nil, cancelbuttontitle: "ok") alert.show() } func paymentqueue(queue: skpaymentqueue!, updatedtransactions transactions: [anyobject]!) { println("add paymnet") transaction:anyobject in transactions { var trans = transaction as! skpaymenttransaction println(trans.error) switch trans.transactionstate { case .purchased, .restored: println("buy, ok unlock iap here") println(p.productidentifier) let prodid = p.productidentifier string switch prodid { case "gameoversavesavior": //here should put function want execute when purchase complete var alert = uialertview(title: "thank you", message: "you may have restart app before banner ads removed.", delegate: nil, cancelbuttontitle: "ok") alert.show() default: println("iap not setup") } queue.finishtransaction(trans) break; case .failed: println("buy error") queue.finishtransaction(trans) break; default: println("default") break; } } } func finishtransaction(trans:skpaymenttransaction) { println("finish trans") } func paymentqueue(queue: skpaymentqueue!, removedtransactions transactions: [anyobject]!) { println("remove trans"); } //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
in touchesbegan when in app purchase node touched:
//in app purchase if touchednode == savemebtn { println("button touched!") product in productlist { var prodid = product.productidentifier if(prodid == "gameoversavesavior") { p = product buyproduct() //this 1 of functions added earlier break; } }
all of code straight question above, , code compiles without errors ,
iap enabled, loading
product request
is printed console @ start of game.
when in app purchase button touched,
button touched!
is printed console nothing else happens. doesn't ask user purchase anything.
i made sure bundle id in xcode same in itunes connect , in app purchase id same. doing wrong here?
after few weeks of work, found out must have paid applications agreement filled out , accepted in order code , products work. approval can take few days, you're in clear.
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