r - Installation of package ‘rjags’ had non-zero exit status -

s.o.: linux ubuntu 14.04 lts r: r version 3.2.1 (2015-06-18) -- "world-famous astronaut" copyright (c) 2015 r foundation statistical computing platform: i686-pc-linux-gnu (32-bit)

when try install package rjags, following fatal error:

install.packages("rjags") installing package ‘/home/marco/.rkward/library’ (as ‘lib’ unspecified) --- please select cran mirror use in session --- trying url 'http://mirrors.softliste.de/cran/src/contrib/rjags_3-15.tar.gz' content type 'application/x-gzip' length 66879 bytes (65 kb) ================================================== downloaded 65 kb  * installing *source* package ‘rjags’ ... ** package ‘rjags’ unpacked , md5 sums checked checking prefix checking jags... no configure: error: "location of jags headers not defined. use configure arg '--with-jags-include' or environment variable 'jags_include'" error: configuration failed package ‘rjags’ * removing ‘/home/marco/.rkward/library/rjags’  downloaded source packages in     ‘/tmp/rtmpditlat/downloaded_packages’ warning message: in install.packages("rjags") :   installation of package ‘rjags’ had non-zero exit status 

apparently, first error message is

configure: error: "location of jags headers not defined. use configure arg '--with-jags-include' or environment variable 'jags_include'"

how can solve this?

as top comment explained, need jags (just gibbs sampler) installed in system. since you're using ubuntu 14.04, running

sudo apt-get install jags 

should enough. however, in case you're in distribution (or, reason, code above doesn't work you), it's idea know how jags source:

  1. access http://mcmc-jags.sourceforge.net/
  2. look proper version under "downloads". instance, fedora users should fedora_20 folder of http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/cornell_vrdc/
  3. don't forget download both base devel versions.

after installation successful, can go r (which can stay open during whole thing, anyway) , install package want.


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