android - Connecting to database, possible options for multiple platforms -

i developing application uses database written mssql. once project complete, database should uploaded on database service provider (e.g ms azure) supply android/ios application data sets needed. now, starting , learning databases (i quite new dbs/sql, have experience in c++), i'd develop "core functions" reading, searching , writing specific data on db in way can use code "core" of apps. best way this? way connect db should used avoid troubles when moving online-server? i've done quite research on issue , found lot, sql server native client, odbc , sqlapi. didn't manage find out solution appropriate use in case libraries , drivers available multiple platforms. however, visual studio says 1 can reuse code on multiple platforms. possible these apis , extensions? hope can me, in advance!

the recommended approach far develop api. need separate virtual machine or place host api. use rest commands interact api provide authentication, authorization , data manipulation requested.

it not recommended expose db outside world. security risks large since need give app read/write permissions database, anything. trying control security directly on database difficult / impossible task on per user basis.


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