javascript - Item in observable array is not added to the list KO -

i take data loaded list , add them observable array , suppose show them in list , goes except data not shown on screen here's code

 self.adddata = function (val) {                    self.finallist().push(val);            alert(val.latin_desc);        }
   <div class="container">                              <h2> added servcies</h2>                              <div class="row" style="height:20vh; overflow:auto;">                                  <div class="col-md-3">                                      <ul data-bind="foreach:finallist">                                          <li class="list-group-item">                                              <div class="col-xs-3">                                                  <b data-bind="text:latin_desc , value: sys_key"></b>                                              </div>                                          </li>                                      </ul>                                                                        </div>                              </div>                                                     </div>

exactly @connexo observablearray, , when binding b element, make sense use text , not value, since b element wont set change value.

    function testvm (){     var self = this;     self.finallist = ko.observablearray();      self.adddata = function (val) {                    self.finallist.push(val);            alert(val.latin_desc);        }            self.adddata({latin_desc: 'rr', sys_key: 'gg'});   }      ko.applybindings(new testvm())
<script src=""></script>  <div class="container">                              <h2> added servcies</h2>                              <div class="row" style="height:20vh; overflow:auto;">                                  <div class="col-md-3">                                      <ul data-bind="foreach:finallist">                                          <li class="list-group-item">                                              <div class="col-xs-3">                                                  <b data-bind="text:latin_desc +'-'+ sys_key"></b>                                              </div>                                          </li>                                      </ul>                                                                        </div>                              </div>                                                     </div>


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