java - Dynamic list with JSON in Spring MVC -

i have new person form have table of objects this:

<table class="table table-striped table-condensed flip-content">     <thead class="flip-content">         <tr>             <th width="20%">                 tipo encabezado             </th>             <th width="20%">                  valor             </th>             <th width="10%"></th>         </tr>     </thead>     <tbody>         <tr th:each="ht : ${headerstype}">             <td th:text="${}"></td>             <td th:text="${ht.value}"></td>             <td class="operations">                 <a class="delete" href="/profile/delete" th:href="@{/profile/delete/__${}__}">                     borrar                 </a>             </td>                        </tr>     </tbody> </table> 

this table corresponds following property of person form

private set<entityheader> headerstype = new hashset<entityheader>();  

so, when press new header link want update table new info without reloading page. now, have json method it

function addheader(){      var headertype = $('#idheadertype').val();      var valueheader = $('#valueheadertype').val();      var json = {"" : headertype,"value" : valueheader};       $.ajax({         url: "addheader.json",         type: 'post',         data: "idheader="+headertype+"&valueheader="+valueheader,         datatype: "json",         success:function(){          },         error:function(){          }       }); } 

this controller:

@requestmapping(value = "person/addheader.json", method =, headers ="accept=application/json")     public string addheader(@requestparam(value = "idheader") string idheader,             @requestparam(value = "valueheader") string valueheader, @modelattribute("person") personform personform,             bindingresult bindingresult, model model) {          entityheader eh = new entityheader();         eh.setheadertype((headertype) basicserv.findbyid(long.parselong(idheader), headertype.class));         eh.setvalue(valueheader);         personform.getheaderstype().add(eh);         model.addattribute("person", personform);           return "person/new";      } 

i'm trying retrieve personform model , update list new values. when try save it, headerstype in personform empty , of course table doesn't show added headers.

edit: post provisional solution prefer json

i found provisional solution this. made code jquery , append rows hidden fields, prefer json solution, @ moment...


function addheader(){      var count = 0;      var headertype = $('#idheadertype').val();     var headertypevalue = $("#idheadertype option:selected").text();     var valueheader = $('#valueheadertype').val();       var nuevocount = count +1;      $('#cuerpotabla').append("<tr id='encabezado_"+nuevocount+"'><td>"+headertypevalue+"<input type='hidden' name='headerstype["+count+"]' id=headerstype["+count+"]' value='"+headertype+"'/></td><td>"+valueheader+"<input type='hidden' name='headerstype["+count+"].value' id=headerstype["+count+"].value' value='"+valueheader+"'/></td></tr>"); } 

and in personform change set<entityheader> simple array entityheader[]

still waiting answers


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