powershell - Access content os variable line by line in power shell -

i storing output of command in variable. want access content of line line.

$outputvariable = (dir | % { $_.fullname -replace "c:\\","" }) | out-string; $outputvariable 

output follows:-

d:\asgn5 d:\assignment 5 

so want access output of variable line line first want have d:\asgn5

we can have data $$outputvariable[0..n]

but want know there other way access line line?

from the doc

by default, out-string accumulates strings , returns them single string, can use stream parameter direct out-string return 1 string @ time.

but don't have use out-string @ all. let use foreach loop on object return get-childitem (dir) command :

$outputvariable = (dir | % { $_.fullname -replace "c:\\","" }) $outputvariable |foreach {"value $_"} 


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