.net - C# return from async task not working -

i'm working on async http call using httpclient. call made inside async task. call successful , response http call. when try return response task nothing happens, though have breakpoint waiting after return.

public void executetask(foundation.security.securitytoken token, order order) {     executetaskasync(token, order).wait(); }  public async task executetaskasync(foundation.security.securitytoken token, order order) {     if (order != null)     {         log.info("starting export of order " + order.id.tostring());         bool success = await exportorder(order, token);         if (!success)         {             log.error("failed export order id " + order.id.tostring());         }     } }  private async task<bool> exportorder(order order, foundation.security.securitytoken token) {     try     {         responseobject response = await webservice.sendorder(new senderinformation(token), new receiverinformation(order, token));         if (response.success && response.status.equals("201", stringcomparison.ordinalignorecase))         {             log.info(string.format("order ({0}) exported"), order.externalorderid);            return true;     }         return false;     }     catch (exception e)     {         log.error(string.format("exception occured while exporting order ({0})", order.id), e);         return false;     } } 

below code actual http call. marked last functional line comment "the code reach line. after nothing happens"

public task<responseobject> sendorder(senderinformation sender, receiverinformation receiver) {     orderrequest request = new orderrequest(sender, receiver);     return executerequest<orderrequest, responseobject>(request); }  private async task<responsetype> executerequest<requesttype, responsetype>   (requesttype request) requesttype : requestobject responsetype : class, responseobject, new()  {     try     {         using (var client = new httpclient())         {             string xml = serializerequest(request);             httpcontent content = new stringcontent(xml);             content.headers.contenttype = new system.net.http.headers.mediatypeheadervalue("text/xml");             string requesturl = "url";             httpresponsemessage response = await client.postasync(requesturl, content).configureawait(false);              // parse response             if (response.issuccessstatuscode)             {                 stream responsestream = await response.content.readasstreamasync();                 responsetype responseobject = deserializeresponse<responsetype>(responsestream);                 if (responseobject != null)                 {                     responseobject.success = true;                     return responseobject;  //the code reach line. after nothing happens                 }                 else                 {                     log.error("response not deserialized");                 }             }             else             {                 log.error("error during request, got status code " +  response.statuscode);             }         }     }     catch (exception e)     {         log.error("something went wrong!", e);     }     return new responsetype() { success = false }; } 

the problem on line:

executetaskasync(token, order).wait(); 

this causes deadlock: awaits in called method can't resume because ui thread blocked.

when use async code, must use way; never wait synchronously async task complete.


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