javascript - Angular 2.0 and ng-style -
i building angular 2.0 component , want control it's style dynamically (using ng-style
). after quick view on angular 2's docs tried this:
<div class="theme-preview" ng-style="{'font-size': fontsize}"> {{fontsize}} </div>
and saw size printed inside div did not affected style. fontsize
1 of component's property bindings', meaning component gets parent this:
<my-component [font-size]="size" />
while inside component have:
@component({ selector: 'xxx', properties: ['fontsize'] })
am missing here?
people still reach answer, i've updated plnkr beta.1. 2 things have changed far
- ngstyle no longer necessary explicitly added in directives property. it's part of common directives added default.
- the syntax has changed, must camel case.
@component({ selector : 'my-cmp', template : ` <div class="theme-preview" [ngstyle]="{'font-size': fontsize+'px'}"> {{fontsize}} </div>` }) class mycmp { @input('font-size') fontsize; } @component({ selector: 'my-app', directives: [mycmp], template: ` <my-cmp [font-size]="100"></my-cmp> ` })
see plnkr (updated beta.1)
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