c# - Complex Query using Sitecore 8 content search API -

i trying write linq iterate through list of id's using sitecore content search api throws exception

invalid method call argument type: field - fieldnode - field: supplier_categories_sm - dcp.common.models.shared.categoryitem[]. constant arguments supported.

   //the search item class  public class eventsupplieritem : basesearchitem  {     [indexfield("supplier_categories_sm")]     public categoryitem[] suppliercategories { get; set; } //maped multilist  }  //i have wrote custom converter map multilist item  public class categoryitem {     [sitecoreid]     [indexfield("_group")]     [typeconverter(typeof(indexfieldidvalueconverter))]     public virtual id id { set; get; }      [indexfield("name")]     public string name { get; set; } } 

the code create filter predicate results:

  var eventcategoryid = new id(eventsupplierfilters.suppliercategory);                     filteror = filteror.or(x => x.suppliercategories.select(a => a.id).contains(eventcategoryid));                     filter = filter.and(filteror.predicate);  results = queryable.filter(filter.predicate);  executedresults = results.tolist(); 

i have tried using .any instead of .select still throws same exception sitecore content search linq doesn't support any or select in expression. know what's best way deal issue ?

sitecore linq might not able resolve complex query, try following, return expected results:

var normalizedid = sitecore.contentsearch.utilities.idhelper.normalizeguid(eventsupplierfilters.suppliercategory,true); filteror = filteror.or(x => x["supplier_categories_sm"].contains(normalizedid)); filter = filter.and(filteror.predicate); results = queryable.filter(filter.predicate); executedresults = results.tolist(); 


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