batch code reads file names and runs them -

how can batch read file names , run them in loop.

i have file file names , run them within batch.

file names be.

user1 user2 user3 

and location be

c:\user\desktop\user1.exe c:\user\desktop\user2.exe c:\user\desktop\user3.exe 

if can done without input file better.

the code use without list file is:

for %%i in ("%userprofile%\desktop\*.exe") "%%~fi" 

the code use list file is:

for /f "usebackq delims=" %%i in ("file file names.txt") "%userprofile%\desktop\%%i.exe" 

the path can whatever wanted. here specified desktop folder of current user.

for understanding used command for , how works, open command prompt window, execute there following commands , read entirely pages displayed command carefully.

  • for /?

you might interested in this answer explaining 4 methods start or call application.


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