java - Spring loading beans which are based on from a sub-module -

i have 2 spring modules, parent module has child modules dependency. both projects has own spring annotated beans , beans created using @bean. project child has in ressources, file used set properties bean in child project. project parent has own used create beans in parent projects.

=> each 2 projects has serviceconfig class annotated @configuration use:


@bean public static propertyplaceholderconfigurer configuration(){         final propertyplaceholderconfigurer props=new propertyplaceholderconfigurer();         props.setlocations(new resource[]{new classpathresource("")});         return props;     } 


@bean public static propertyplaceholderconfigurer configuration(){         final propertyplaceholderconfigurer props=new propertyplaceholderconfigurer();         props.setlocations(new resource[]{new classpathresource("")});         return props;     } 

now question is: need autowire bean child parent project , when run parent project (which has child project dependency in pom.xml), child bean autowired couldn't constructed because aren't loaded. , when debuged see spring enter in propertyplaceholderconfigurer bean parent not child. , when remove propertyplaceholderconfigurer parent, spring loads propertyplaceholderconfigurer bean child project.

i can resolve issue placing file in parent project don't solution, keep each configuration project.

since have same bean name both propertyplaceholderconfigurer beans, child bean overridden parent 1 (if you'll closely in log, you'll see stated there) try giving them different names


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