How to set input field attribute 'readonly' from Angular component -

i want set 'readonly' property of quantity field during keypress on assetid field.

 <!-- asset id field-->   <div class="form-group">      <label for="asset id">asset id:</label>        <input autocomplete="off" type="text" class="form-control" id="assetid" name="assetid" formcontrolname="assetid" (keypress)="setassetid()">  </div>  <!-- quantity field--> <div class="form-group">   <label for="quantity">quantity:</label>    <input autocomplete="off" type="text" class="form-control" id="quantity" name="quantity" formcontrolname="quantity"> </div> 

here angular function:

public setassetid(){    console.log('key changed');    this.form.controls['quantity'].patchvalue(1);    this.form.controls['quantity'].set('readonly'); // want } 

please me regarding this...

you can set property input event following:


 isok: boolean;  public setassetid(){       ....       isok = true;   } 


 <input autocomplete="off" [readonly]="isok" type="text" class="form-control" id="quantity" name="quantity" formcontrolname="quantity"> 


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