sql server - how to stop coldfusion from adding single quotes in string -

i have dynamic sql statement want fire off sql server. base of query in variable called query:

<cfset query ="select              parcelid,             ltrim(iif(addnum not null, ' ' + addnum, '') + iif(adddir not null, ' ' + adddir, '')  + ' ' + addstreet + iif(addunitnum not null, ' ' + addunitnum, '') + ' ' + addcity + ', ' + addstate + ' ' + addzip + iif(addzip4 not null, '-'+ addzip4, '')) address         propertyparameters         addzip = '#url.zip#'"> 

my problem areas see quote-space-quote plus field (ie. ' ' + addnum), single quote adds more single quotes, , sends following sql server:

select parcelid, ltrim(iif(addnum not null, '' '' + addnum, '''') + iif(adddir not null, '' '' + adddir, '''')  + '' '' + addstreet + iif(addunitnum not null, '' '' + addunitnum, '') + '' '' + addcity + '', '' + addstate + '' '' + addzip + iif(addzip4 not null, ''-''+ addzip4, '')) address propertyparameters addzip = 20001 , score > 70; 

as can see, quotes doubled , fails in sql server. how overcome this?


update 1: tried escaping quote according coldfusion instructions ('' , "") , still didn't work. thanks

you sql query can simplified using following query isnull() function:

select parcelid       ,ltrim(          isnull(' ' + addnum , '')         + isnull(' ' + adddir , '')          + ' ' + addstreet         + isnull(' ' + addunitnum, '')         + ' ' + addcity + ', ' + addstate + ' '         + addzip         + isnull('-'+ addzip4, '')        ) address propertyparameters addzip = '#url.zip# 

to escape single quotes need use preservesinglequotes() function.

<cfquery ...>#preservesinglequotes(query)#</cfquery> 


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