c# - "A quotation mark delimiter is missing from the end of the query." error in WinCE PDA application -

in wince pda application, doing comparing barcode value scanned 1 in database generate table.

i build query this:

for (int = 0; < listbox2.items.count; i++) {     if (i == 0)     {         sb.append("select * toolsbar barcodevalue in (");     }      sb.append("'" + listbox2.items[i] + "',");  }  sb.length = sb.length - 1; sb.append(")"); 

and use here:

cmd.commandtext = sb.tostring(); cmd.commandtype = commandtype.text;  cmd.connection = con; con.open();  reader = cmd.executereader(); // error came out  "a quotation mark delimiter missing end of query."  reader.close(); sqlcedataadapter ad = new sqlcedataadapter(sb.tostring(), con); dataset ds = new dataset(); ad.fill(ds); datagrid2.datasource = ds.tables[0];  con.close(); sb.length = 0; 

alternate loop build query removes need alter string length:

for (int = 0; < listbox2.items.count; i++) {     if (i == 0)     {         sb.append("select * toolsbar barcodevalue in (");         sb.append("'" + listbox2.items[i] + "'");     }     else     {         sb.append(",'" + listbox2.items[i] + "'");     } }  sb.append(")"); 


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