authentication - Identity Server 3 Access Token Validation endpoint fails with Audience Validation Failed -

i have identityserver3 instance set , requesting token using authorize endpoint (/core/connect/authorize).

my application requesting token ios application.

i pass following parameters;

client_id=<clientid> response_type=id_token scope=openid redirect_uri=<redirecturi> state=<state> nonce=<nonce> 

this opens web view me, enter credentials , returns redirect_uri #id_token appended url.

to validate token pass access token validation endpoint (/core/connect/accesstokenvalidation) of identityserver. append ?token=<access token received login>.

i response

{ "message": "invalid_token" } 

when check log

system.identitymodel.tokens.securitytokeninvalidaudienceexception: idx10214: audience validation failed. audience: '<clientid>'. did not match: validationparamters.validaudience: '<identity_server_host>/resources' or validationparameters.validaudiences: 'null' 

what doing wrong here? surely identityserver created token should validate valid?

you don't request access token in example. with


you identity token can validate against identity token endpoint. access token request must change request to

response_type=id_token token 


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