ios - Parse push notification: How to use custom payload -
i'm using following json send push notification in parse.
{ "alert": "push title goes here", "sound": "", "url": "emap://video/4000" }
the url emap://video/4000
points specific video inside app if type in safari , hit enter. want user sent video when clicks on notification. why doesn't above json achieve this?
so sending payload :
nsdictionary *data = @{ @"alert" : @"some generic message here", @"badge" : @"increment", @"sound" : @"default", @"url" : @"emap://video/4000" };
and when user interacts act accordingly :
- (void)application:(uiapplication *)application didreceiveremotenotification:(nsdictionary *)userinfo { if (application.applicationstate == uiapplicationstateinactive) { [self handleremotenotificationwithpayload:userinfo]; } } -(void)handleremotenotificationwithpayload:(nsdictionary *)payload { if (payload) { nsstring *urllink = [payload valueforkey:@"url"]; // perform segue or tab bar selectedindex or open webview whatever want after checking if user launching notification : } }
you should call in application didfinishlaunchingwithoptions:
in case users app has been terminated or released memory:
- (bool)application:(uiapplication *)application didfinishlaunchingwithoptions:(nsdictionary *)launchoptions { ... nsdictionary *notificationpayload = launchoptions[uiapplicationlaunchoptionsremotenotificationkey]; [self handleremotenotificationwithpayload:notificationpayload]; ... }
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