node.js - What is the different between http module and express modle -

i'm learning nodejs from:

and cant understand different between using http module (get/post methods) vs using express module (get/post methods)

it seems express module rapid development.

  • are there advantages use http module compared express module ?
  • are there advantages use express module compared http module ?


express not "module", it's framework: gives api, submodules, and methodology , conventions , tying components necessary put modern, functional web server conveniences necessary (static asset hosting, templating, handling xsrf, cors, cookie parsing, post parsing, name it, lets use it).

the http api that's baked node.js, on other hand, just http module: can set http connections , send , receive data, long uses hypertext transfer protocol (with relevant http verb) , that's... that's really.

they different things. many articles can find searching web details on both tell you.


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