c++ - SFML only draws some sprites -
i'm having strange problem 1 sprite loading isn't
here main.cpp
window.draw(universe.getplayer()->draw()); //draw player std::list<abstractblock*>::const_iterator i; std::list<abstractblock*>* values = universe.getloadedblocks(); (i = values->begin(); != values->end(); ++i){ window.draw((*i)->draw()); //draw blocks } window.display();
here can see player drawing , blocks in universe drawing. however, player draws , blocks don't draw @ all. have made sure loop working. because draw() returns void can't see if working or not.
here dirtblock.cpp (i'm inheriting abstractblock)
dirtblock::dirtblock(int x, int y, float rotation, b2world *world){ bodydef.position.set(x, y); bodydef.lineardamping = .03f; bodydef.type = b2_dynamicbody; fixdef.density = .1f; b2polygonshape shape; shape.setasbox(16, 16); fixdef.shape = &shape; body = world->createbody(&bodydef); body->createfixture(&fixdef); texture.loadfromfile("dirt.bmp"); sprite.settexture(texture); sprite.setorigin(16, 16); } sf::sprite dirtblock::draw(){ sprite.setposition(body->getposition().x, body->getposition().y); return sprite; }
not included, stuff involved drawing.
my player class similar:
player::player(b2world *world){ texture.loadfromfile("player.bmp"); bodydef.position.set(10, 10); bodydef.type = b2_dynamicbody; fixdef.density = .1f; b2polygonshape shape; shape.setasbox(16, 16); fixdef.shape = &shape; body = world->createbody(&bodydef); body->createfixture(&fixdef); body->setlineardamping(.03f); sprite.settexture(texture); sprite.setorigin(16, 16); force = 10.f; } sf::sprite player::draw(){ sprite.setposition(body->getposition().x, body->getposition().y); sprite.setrotation(body->getangle() * (180 / b2_pi)); return sprite; }
since similar why 1 drawing , other not? have feeling might because of inheritance. i'm typically java programmer , i'm not 100% sure did inheritance correctly in c++. should this? (my dirtblock.h)
class dirtblock: public abstractblock { public: dirtblock(); dirtblock(int x, int y, float rotation, b2world *world); ~dirtblock(); virtual sf::sprite draw(); virtual void destroy(b2world *world); private: sf::sprite sprite; };
i fixed myself. turned out stupid mistake on part might write , answer if else makes mistake may find , may fix problem.
i didn't make function draw
in abstractblock class virtual
. because of this, when calling draw dirtblock, looking draw method in abstractblock didn't have virtual flag.
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