jsf 2 - update component in another xhtml form from Custom layout p:selectOneRadio not working -

my xhtml split in menu area (defaultmenu.xhtml) , content area (defaultcontent.xhtml).

the code defaultmenu.xhtml is:

<h:form id="defaultmenuform">     <p:outputpanel id="menupanel" class="contain auto-fixed-center">         <p:panel id="pmenu" visible="#{phcontroller.user.menuvisible}">             <table id="stutable">             <tr>             <td width="15%">                 <p:outputlabel id="stuname" value="#{phcontroller.phbean.studentname}" />             </td>             <td>                 <p:tabmenu activeindex="#{param.selectedtab}">                     <p:menuitem value="home" outcome="phome" icon="ui-icon-star">                         <f:param name="selectedtab" value="0" />                     </p:menuitem>                     <p:menuitem value="bank" outcome="bhome" icon="ui-icon-person">                         <f:param name="selectedtab" value="1" />                     </p:menuitem>                 </p:tabmenu>             </td>             </tr>             </table>         </p:panel>     </p:outputpanel> </h:form> 

the defaultcontent.xhtml displays ph.xhtml content (as part of functional navigation) , code is:

<ui:define name="content">  <f:event listener="#{phcontroller.readpeople}" type="prerenderview"> </f:event>  <h:form id="form">  <p:selectoneradio id="selstud" value="#{phcontroller.phbean.ssseq}" layout="custom">     <p:ajax update=":defaultmenuform:parentmenupanel :defaultmenuform:stuname" listener="#{phcontroller.onchangeperson}"/>     <f:selectitems value="#{phcontroller.selectstudents}" /> </p:selectoneradio>      <div style="width: 300px; float:left;">         <p:datagrid var="studentlist" value="#{phcontroller.liststudent}" columns="1" rowindexvar="stuindex">             <p:panel header="" style="text-align:left">                 <h:panelgrid columns="1" style="width:100%">                     <h:outputtext value="#{studentlist.studentname}" />                      <p:radiobutton for=":form:selstud" itemindex="#{stuindex}"/> select                   </h:panelgrid>             </p:panel>         </p:datagrid>     </div>      </h:form> </ui:define> 

the code backing bean is:

    map<string, object> studentparam = new hashmap<>();     studentparam.put("studentseq", phbean.getssseq());      ls = getbasedaoservice().readstudent("readstudent", studentparam);     phbean.setstudentname(ls.get(0).getstudentfirstname() + " " + ls.get(0).getstudentlastname()); 

as can see, calling onchangestu method display selected student name in defaultmenu.xhtml. using custom layout p:selectoneradio in ph.xhtml , onclick trying update p:outputlabel in defaultmenu.xhtml.

the backing bean method gets invoked , value set in variable phcontroller.phbean.studentname, update not working. checked using view source , id “:defaultmenuform:stuname”, tried updating menu panel ":defaultmenuform:menupanel”, none of works.

not sure how resolve this. please suggest.

including structure of .xhtmls

<h:body id="entirepagebody">     <div id="page">          <ui:insert name="header" >             <ui:include src="/template/defaultheader.xhtml" />         </ui:insert>          <ui:insert name="menu" >             <ui:include src="/template/defaultmenu.xhtml" />         </ui:insert>           <div id="content_div" class="auto-fixed-center">             <div id="content_div_padding" class="content-block">                  <ui:insert name="content" >                     <ui:include src="/template/defaultcontent.xhtml" />                     <ui:debug hotkey="z" />                 </ui:insert>         </div>         </div>          <ui:insert name="footer" >             <ui:include src="/template/defaultfooter.xhtml" />         </ui:insert>     </div> </h:body> 


public class phcontroller extends basecontroller implements serializable {

private list<stud> liststudent; private list selectstudents; selectitem option; private phbean phbean; private boolean menuvisible;  int counter = 0;  public phcontroller() {      phbean = new phbean(); }  public void readpeople() {      liststudent = new arraylist<stud>();     liststudent.add(new stud(1, "john miller"));     liststudent.add(new stud(2, "scott jackson"));      selectstudents = new arraylist();      option = new selectitem(liststudent.get(0).getstudentseq(), "select");     selectstudents.add(option);      option = new selectitem(liststudent.get(1).getstudentseq(), "select");     selectstudents.add(option);      phbean.setssseq(string.valueof(1));     phbean.setselectedname(liststudent.get(0).getstudentname());      menuvisible = true;  }  public void onchangeperson() {      phbean.setselectedname(liststudent.get(1).getstudentname()); }  // getters , setters 



public class phbean implements serializable {

private string ssseq; private string studname;    // used display name in menu bar. private string selectedname;  public phbean() { }  // getters , setters 


i'd in p:ajax in defaultcontent.xhtml list of components updated should separated spaces only, no commas - try changing this:

update=":defaultmenuform:menupanel, :defaultmenuform:stuname" 

to this:

update=":defaultmenuform:menupanel :defaultmenuform:stuname" 


i played bit more , may have found clue - please add following code defaultmenuform:

<p:messages autoupdate="true" showdetail="true" /> 

this should tracking reason failed validation (in case failing validation root cause - said, have rather limited possibility reproduce issue).

anyway, when selected item in p:selectoneradio, error message appeared:

conversion error setting value 'test001.student@4110c95c' 'null converter'. 

and root cause on row:

<p:selectoneradio id="selstud" value="#{phcontroller.phbean.ssseq}" layout="custom"> 

p:selectoneradio expects string passed value - , ssseq of different type. try change way value populated ensure string - maybe different attribute of phbean or brand new string one.

note: if doesn't help, maybe update question simplified example of how phcontroller , phbean if test it.

update #2

so have explained there problem want call phcontroller.readpeople every time page loaded/refreshed, instead gets loaded each , every ajax request, overwriting values.

in phcontroller (it bean, right? session scoped?) add (omitted null checks sake of readability):

public void readpeopleonget() {     facescontext fc = facescontext.getcurrentinstance();     externalcontext ec = fc.getexternalcontext();     httpservletrequest req = (httpservletrequest) ec.getrequest();     string reqmethod = req.getmethod();      if ("get".equals(reqmethod)) {         readpeople();     } } 

with above method keep part of defaultcontext.xhtml in place, provided called (i assume so), listener method changed:

<f:event listener="#{phcontroller.readpeopleonget}" type="prerenderview"> </f:event> 

the method readpeopleonget still called every request page, since ajax requests post, call readpeople when page loaded or refreshed whole.

this may not "perfectly clean" solution, seemed work when tested it.

update #3

well, since use primefaces, possible identify ajax call way:

public void readpeopleonget() {     requestcontext rc = requestcontext.getcurrentinstance();      if (!rc.isajaxrequest()) {         readpeople();     } } 

but if got point latest comments, want run readpeople when page loaded first time - following part better that.

you didn't answer if phcontroller bean, assume (there no annotations visible code posted). may try making @sessionscoped:

@managedbean @sessionscoped public class phcontroller extends basecontroller implements serializable { // rest of phcontroller goes here... 

then add phcontroller:

@postconstruct private void init() {     readpeople(); } 

the annotation @postconstruct ensures method init called once after bean created. can continue calling method readpeople other places necessary, while removing both <f:event ... /> , readpeopleonget these no longer needed.


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