PHP Regex Multiple Links Paragraph Display Domain Only -

the following code changes every link within paragraph clickable [external link] instead.

i have run twice catch both http , https.

1) there way turn single line?

2) how change instead of [external link] display domain name only? actual link may longer. reason use [external link] shorten longer urls.

//regular http links $text = preg_replace('/(^|[^"])(((f|ht){1}tp:\/\/)[-a-za-z0-9@:%_\+.~#?&\/\/=]+)/i', '\\1<a href="\\2" target="_blank">[external link]</a>', $text); //https links $text = preg_replace('/(^|[^"])(((f|ht){1}tps:\/\/)[-a-za-z0-9@:%_\+.~#?&\/\/=]+)/i', '\\1<a href="\\2" target="_blank">[external link]</a>', $text); 

you can add ? make "s" optional.

$text = preg_replace('/(^|[^"])(((f|ht){1}tps?:\/\/)[-a-za-z0-9@:%_\+.~#?&\/\/=]+)/i', '\\1<a href="\\2" target="_blank">[external link]</a>', $text); 


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